Monday, October 18, 2010

Finally !

I finally put use to all those color swatches I took from Lowe's. I had in mind, months ago when we painted, to put these swatches over the bed in a wooden frame. I had seen some awesome frames with metal clothes pins at Pier One. These were designed to hold pictures in a 3x3 matrix. I thought they would be perfect to hold the swatches but they were $18 a piece and I wanted 3. I wasn't willing to part with my money so I commissioned my father to build something similar, I think he forgot in all of the hubbub at work and I forgot too. Then, today I organized my closet and got rid of some old wire-build-it-yourself shelves. I thought I could use them for something and then it hit me. What you see is the result of free swatches, shelving I already had, scotch tape and push pins. This cost me 1.36 for the push pins today. And I like it! It brings in the yellow from the curtains and the greens from the pillows.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Love at first "site" ;o)

Fall is here and I love fall clothes!

Here are some sites I've been ogling lately.

I love almost anything from Shop Ruche

How cute is this coat?

I have also discovered Pink Studio shoes. It's love.

Another site I just found is Nations Outfitters - they donate 5% to Habitat for Humanity. Plus they have some really cute clothing.

Of course I always check out, and

Off to search some more!