Most of you probably don't know about my brother and sister-in-love's adoption plans. They knew from the time they were dating that they wanted to be parents and that adoption was the way for them to go about it. They also knew what a financial undertaking it is to adopt. God laid Poland on their heart and they know their little one is in Poland waiting for them. It seems every time they hear from the agency the price has gone up, you can imagine how hard it would be to aim for a goal that is always moving. The recently heard for the 3rd time that it would be more money than they were previously told. They have done several things to raise money: t shirt drives, baked goods, yard sales, my brother used his ancestry skills to fill in some peoples family trees for them. They mailed off all their paperwork to Poland last week, it should have arrived yesterday and will be translated into Polish. After translated to Polish, their papers should be given to orphanages and foster homes in various regions of Poland, some time after that they can expect to start getting emails and phone calls. So technically they are "Paper Pregnant." Hooray!
One of the exciting parts of being doing with their dossier is that they can start applying for grants to raise funds. I am going to share their gofundme account here in case anyone is interested in helping them reach their goal and bring home PK (Polish Kid). :) Please share their story if you can. I would love for them to bring their little Kielbasa as soon as possible. ;)
Here is their GoFundMe account.
Here is their blog the documents their personal journey through adoption.