I got my second VoxBox, this one was the SugarN'Spice Box. I wasn't sure what exactly would be inside this one as I missed the actual Twitter Party and was paying attention to the Sweetheart one. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it.
Here's what I found......
1. There were 3 items from Colgate Optic White
~Colgate Optic White Mouthwash
~Colgate Optic White 360* Toothbrush
~Coglate Optic White Toothpaste
@OpticWhite @influensterVoxBox
Here's the thing. I would have never bought all three items together. I just wouldn't have. But I was excited to try all three items. The toothbrush has soft bristles, I have been buying medium, thinking that's what I prefer. But I really like the soft ones. The toothbrush feels good in my hand, my grip doesn't slip so I don't ram the plastic into my back gums like I have with some other brushes. I don't usually use mouthwash because I don't like gargling, but to get the full experience I gave it a shot. Overall, a good experience, the only negative I noticed was that after the first 2 swishes the inside of my mouth peeled a little. It wasn't painful and if I regularly used mouthwash I'm sure I would not have had an issue at all. I did not take an after picture at the 5 day mark but I did take a before and have taken one since I started using the regimen. About 5 days in I did ask my husband if her noticed a difference and indeed he did! He started using the toothpaste and mouthwash and I have since purchase him an Optic White Toothbrush too.

2. Vaseline Spray and Go-I have loved this. I keep it by my bedside for my before bed moisturizing needs. I hate sticking to the sheets, like I do when using a typical lotion, but this saves the day. My heels are especially dry and I have been glad to have it on my bedside table for a quick spray before slipping into bed. I can't sleep if my skin feels dry. The smell is great and it is not greasy. The best part is that you can apply quickly and with one hand. My skin looks and feels great! One tip, though, be careful if you are applying over hardwoods or vinyl. It can make your floor a little slick.
@VaselineBrand #SprayandGo
3. Belvita Breakfast Biscuits! I have never tried these before but I had seen them in the store and wasn't attracted to them. However, I will be purchasing these again! I received Cinnamon Brown Sugar flavor which is right up my alley. I think when I buy these I will stick to this flavor or maybe try out the blueberry ones. The packet comes with 4 cookies. I was on my way out the door one morning and grabbed the package to take with me. I only at 2 before I got to my destination but this held off my hunger for quite some time. I was happy when I got back in my car and remembered I had 2 left! I took a picture to capture the texture and size of the biscuit. One biscuit was about the size of my palm. Loved these! @belVita #BreakfastBiscuits
4. A Box of 40 Splenda Nectresse packets. I had gotten a sample of this in the mail before my box arrived so I was familiar with this product but I had not used it more that in my hot tea. When I saw I had so many packets I wanted to bake something with it. I searched the internet and found a blueberry muffin recipe on pinterest. I followed her recipe somewhat but I had to improvise a little because I had less sour cream than I needed so I used blueberry greek yogurt instead. They were edible but I think if I made them again I would use more sweetener. I used 10 packets in these 12 muffins. They tasted more like a bread than a muffin but butter made it all better. :) Since then I have used the Splenda on my cereal (yum) and in my coffee (also yum).
5. Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel - Oil controlling towelettes- These are great for travel! I have used a few at night when I don't feel like using soap and water to remove my make up. But I also took one with me to "freshen-up" between setting up for my sister-in-laws wedding and being in it. It worked great and I had no oil (odd because of my combination skin) well into the night, even with the dancing, chasing my 16 month old and the post-wedding-tear-down. They don't over dry my skin but they do help with the oil. I even let my sister-in-law try one out and she liked it too! It gets my foundation and even stubborn eye make up off without irritation.
Here's one after I used it. See make-up gone.
All in all- it was a fabulous box! Thank you so much Influenster!!!