There are a couple of websites that I have a membership with in which I get to check out products and review them. Influenster is my favorite! I have applied for and been accepted into several campaigns in which I have been able to sample a lot of products at once. They send you a survey and if you qualify you start the process of anxiously awaiting the arrival of your VoxBox (that's what they call the boxes). After you get your box you "check it in" and then check out certain tasks associated with each product. Sometimes they want to hear from you but other times they want to see you, such as pictures or videos. I can't say that I ever have and not sure I would ever submit a video but I have had to take a few "selfies" in regards to showing off their products...I think that is the part that makes me most uncomfortable. But I have done it because I want to be a good reviewer.
All in all you get to try out products, some that I would never try on my own risk free and cost free. Recently @Influenster has added VoxPerks which are discounts you can try without even being accepted into a campaign. They also have added @InfluensterApp that allows you to review products on your phone or tablet. You can review products that you receive in a VoxBox or products you try on your own. You should apply to be an Influenster ( and find more out on your own. I love being a member!
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