Monday, July 15, 2013

My March Baby

June 30th my life changed forever.

I had been in denial for a few days but it was time to face the stick.  3 short minutes later I emerged from the bathroom to present my husband with a freshly peed on stick.  On it was one bright pink line and one light pink line.  Pregnant with my second.  I waited to get too excited until I could take another test the following morning.  Sure enough, the second test revealed 2 lines though one was still faint.  My husband was instantly overjoyed.  I'm cautious by nature and decided to keep this info on the down low.  We did, however, start to share the news with our parents, siblings and close friends.  Only about 4 weeks the rough due date would be March 8.  To prepare myself I watched some old videos of our little one and I got all excited about having a "little" baby again.

We hardly had time to share our news, because on Wednesday July 3rd Norah and I were going to the mountains of NC for my cousins wedding. Phillip would follow on Friday and then we would go on to Boston Monday.  Wednesday brought a long car trip across the state and cramping.  I wasn't shocked by the cramping. I figured it was just my body getting into the swing of this whole pregnancy thing.  I just knew my body was saying "Oh yeah, I remember this I'm going to stretch it all out for you and make room."

When I arrived at my uncle and aunt's house I noticed some blood.  I instantly became nauseated but tried to assure myself.  No big deal, implantation perhaps?  I wasn't sure so I prepared for more blood and went out for my cousin's bachelorette party.  More blood came.   I had already started texting my husband and some of my friends back home, sending a flurry of questions hoping for the answers I wanted and not what I was fearing.

You see, God had told me in April that I would miscarry the next time I got pregnant.  I questioned Him, begged Him and pleaded for this not to happen.  I asked my husband to pray too.  After much prayer I felt that we had talked God out of this.  I felt I wasn't getting the messages from Him about loss as often, surely my pleading had changed His mind.  On June 30th I had no fear that I would not carry my little one until the due date.

July 4th, more blood.  More prayer.  More texting.  One of my friends to happens to go to the same OB as I do suggested I call the on call physician and tell them my symptoms.  Just as I expected.  ".....Blighted ovum you are most likely having a if there is a lot of blood....." I let my husband know. Why did he have to be on the other side of the state? I needed him here with me.  I was just getting adjusted to the idea of having another little one.  I was an hour away from an urgent care if something "bad" happened.  Do I tell everyone? anyone? I'm still nauseated, what does that mean? I should Google this and see what's going to happen to me.  I don't have internet access.  Why God? There has to be something from You in this.  

9 days of bleeding.

9 whole days of feeling like I'm throwing my baby in the trash.  At the end of this all, I'll have nothing to show for it. And to top it off, nausea.  Nausea in the morning, afternoon, before meals, after meals an unrelenting reminder that part of my body still thinks there is a baby in there.  Uggghhh.

We make it home from our trip and I have an appointment the next day.  They take 2 tests.  The urine pregnancy test comes back negative but I'll have to wait 4 days to find out if my HCG level is back to zero. If only the nausea will go away.  It's one thing to be pregnant and have nausea, at the end you get a cuddly baby for all your efforts, now it only mocks me.

By July 14th I am past it physically.  Emotionally, not so.  We only knew about our little bean for 4 days before they were gone.  Still, it feels like a loss.  I have a baby that I will never get to kiss and hold.  I had a baby and I have nothing to show for it.  I understand why people get tattoos for their lost loved ones.  I want desperately for someone to know that it happened.

For now, I wait.  I wait to see what happens next.  When when my next breakdown happen? Will there be another baby? How will God use this? Who will I tell? Who should I not tell? How will I tell my daughter that she has a sibling that she won't get to play with until heaven? Will I know my baby when I see it in heaven?  For now I pray.  I pray for strength for myself, for my husband and for my family.  I know that even through this God has been so very good to me.  I hurt but I can only praise Him and thank Him that I knew my March baby.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Colgate Optic White

There were 3 items from Colgate Optic White
    ~Colgate Optic White Mouthwash
    ~Colgate Optic White 360* Toothbrush
    ~Coglate Optic White Toothpaste
                       @OpticWhite @influensterVoxBox

   Here's the thing.  I would have never bought all three items together.  I just wouldn't have.  But I was excited to try all three items.  The toothbrush has soft bristles, I have been buying medium, thinking that's what I prefer. But I really like the soft ones.  The toothbrush feels good in my hand, my grip doesn't slip so I don't ram the plastic into my back gums like I have with some other brushes.  I don't usually use mouthwash because I don't like gargling, but to get the full experience I gave it a shot.  Overall, a good experience, the only negative I noticed was that after the first 2 swishes the inside of my mouth peeled a little.  It wasn't painful and if I regularly used mouthwash I'm sure I would not have had an issue at all.  I did not take an after picture at the 5 day mark but I did take a before and have taken one since I started using the regimen.  About 5 days in I did ask my husband if her noticed a difference and indeed he did! He started using the toothpaste and mouthwash and I have since purchase him an Optic White Toothbrush too.  

Influenster Sugar n' Spice VoxBox

I got my second VoxBox, this one was the SugarN'Spice Box.  I wasn't sure what exactly would be inside this one as I missed the actual Twitter Party and was paying attention to the Sweetheart one.  I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it. @influensterVoxBox

 Here's what I found......

1. There were 3 items from Colgate Optic White
    ~Colgate Optic White Mouthwash
    ~Colgate Optic White 360* Toothbrush
    ~Coglate Optic White Toothpaste
                       @OpticWhite @influensterVoxBox

   Here's the thing.  I would have never bought all three items together.  I just wouldn't have.  But I was excited to try all three items.  The toothbrush has soft bristles, I have been buying medium, thinking that's what I prefer. But I really like the soft ones.  The toothbrush feels good in my hand, my grip doesn't slip so I don't ram the plastic into my back gums like I have with some other brushes.  I don't usually use mouthwash because I don't like gargling, but to get the full experience I gave it a shot.  Overall, a good experience, the only negative I noticed was that after the first 2 swishes the inside of my mouth peeled a little.  It wasn't painful and if I regularly used mouthwash I'm sure I would not have had an issue at all.  I did not take an after picture at the 5 day mark but I did take a before and have taken one since I started using the regimen.  About 5 days in I did ask my husband if her noticed a difference and indeed he did! He started using the toothpaste and mouthwash and I have since purchase him an Optic White Toothbrush too.  

2. Vaseline Spray and Go-I have loved this.  I keep it by my bedside for my before bed moisturizing needs.  I hate sticking to the sheets, like I do when using a typical lotion, but this saves the day.  My heels are especially dry and I have been glad to have it on my bedside table for a quick spray before slipping into bed.  I can't sleep if my skin feels dry.  The smell is great and it is not greasy.  The best part is that you can apply quickly and with one hand. My skin looks and feels great! One tip, though, be careful if you are applying over hardwoods or vinyl. It can make your floor a little slick.  @VaselineBrand  #SprayandGo

3. Belvita Breakfast Biscuits! I have never tried these before but I had seen them in the store and wasn't attracted to them.  However, I will be purchasing these again! I received Cinnamon Brown Sugar flavor which is right up my alley. I think when I buy these I will stick to this flavor or maybe try out the blueberry ones.  The packet comes with 4 cookies.   I was on my way out the door one morning and grabbed the package to take with me.  I only at 2 before I got to my destination but this held off my hunger for quite some time.  I was happy when I got back in my car and remembered I had 2 left! I took a picture to capture the texture and size of the biscuit. One biscuit was about the size of my palm. Loved these! @belVita #BreakfastBiscuits

 4. A Box of 40 Splenda Nectresse packets.  I had gotten a sample of this in the mail before my box arrived so I was familiar with this product but I had not used it more that in my hot tea.  When I saw I had so many packets I wanted to bake something with it.  I searched the internet and found a blueberry muffin recipe on pinterest.  I followed her recipe somewhat but I had to improvise a little because I had less sour cream than I needed so I used blueberry greek yogurt instead.  They were edible but I think if I made them again I would use more sweetener.  I used 10 packets in these 12 muffins.  They tasted more like a bread than a muffin but butter made it all better.  :) Since then I have used the Splenda on my cereal (yum) and in my coffee (also yum). #NECTRESSE

5. Dickinson's Original Witch Hazel - Oil controlling towelettes- These are great for travel! I have used a few at night when I don't feel like using soap and water to remove my make up.  But I also took one with me to "freshen-up" between setting up for my sister-in-laws wedding and being in it.  It worked great and I had no oil (odd because of my combination skin) well into the night, even with the dancing, chasing my 16 month old and the post-wedding-tear-down.  They don't over dry my skin but they do help with the oil.  I even let my sister-in-law try one out and she liked it too! It gets my foundation and even stubborn eye make up off without irritation. #DickinsonsWitchHazel

Here's one after I used it.  See make-up gone.  

All in all- it was a fabulous box! Thank you so much Influenster!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

For when a brand new notebook and fancy pens are not enough....

Think back with me to elementary and middle school. Anyone else get some strange high off of buying new notebooks, pens and pencils? It frankly was the best part of the year.  Before I moved out of my parents house my bookshelves had many notebooks with writing in only the first few pages.  I often would start a diary and then later when I was older, a journal but never keep it up.  Oh the joy of starting one anew.  I often anticipated what great stories, prayers, or answered prayers would be written in it.  As an adult I still love to buy new notebooks and pens.  My most successful journal has been one that I started after my daughter was born.

Sometimes, when I feel like I am wandering in the spiritual dessert I will try to kick start my relationship with Christ by buying a new journal and new pens with the intention of only writing with my special pens in my new notebook.  I plan to read and record Scripture that is helping me, to write the desires of my heart in prayer form to my Savior.  Sometimes, though, a new notebook and a pack of gel pens aren't enough.

I have been saved since the age of 6, I was baptized at 7.  I have had my own Bible since I was only old enough to look at the pictures.  I have been a Christian for 20 years.  My husband is a worship pastor.  I was raised in a Christian home.  I have led youth Bible studies. I sang in a worship band for years.  I say all that to say this....the Bible is overwhelming to me.  I look at my Bibles, I am blessed enough to have 3, and I am overwhelmed.  Where do I start? Should I start with one book? Should I start at the beginning? Maybe the New Testament? I really like Ruth, start with her? The prodigal son gets me every time...him? I become paralyzed by the possibilities to the point where I read nothing.  Bible study books often frustrate me as well I feel like I am reading "Dick and Jane" or that I am reading about string theory.

I pray.  I pray a lot.  Praying is easy for me.  I feel close enough to talk to Him, like I would talk anyone else.  I am even comfortable enough to say "Yunno, this situation sucks" and I am confident that my language does not offend him.  I don't just pray to ask for things either, praising comes fairly easily too.  So why is it so hard to read His word? I know this is the missing component to my walk with Christ.

Enter Beth Moore.  Thank you God for Beth Moore.  I'm sure there are others like her out there but I "get" her.  She helps me see Jesus in words that I've heard my whole life rearranged so they take my breathe away.  Seeing Him makes me crave Him more and brings me back to my first love, a new notebook in and of itself cannot.  We were designed to be passionate beings.  I should always choose to keep putting logs on the fires that He has put before me.  I should not let those fires die out while putting logs on my own fires.  Imagine the passion, the reach of a fire that we are both working on.  Though I cannot say that doing a Bible study helps me know how to read my Bible it does get me in the Scripture.  It allows me to hear Him even though it might be through someone else's word.  He is still there.

So remember, when a new notebook and shiny new pens aren't enough.  Jesus is.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Quirky Little Love

I wanted to post a few thing about my littlest love that make me smile and know that God made her just for Phillip and I.  I know that some of her little antics may be not my unique to just her but they make me laugh anyway.

1. She's my Little Dipper-She learned quickly from her "Poppy" (my dad) and my Uncle Gerald that long before she could drink from a glass or a can that she can experience the beverages held within them.  My Uncle Gerald is known for dipping pacifiers in Coke - he started this over 30 years ago with my brother and was very excited to continue the tradition during "tree lot season."  Norah got so spoiled by these two dipping her paci that soon she wanted to dip it in everything.  If you walked in holding a can drink she would hold her paci out to you.  If she found the box of soda cans in the pantry she would chunk her paci in it.  She even held out her paci to me when I walked by her with a brownie.  She is my "little dipper"

2. She's so tiny.  I go back and forth with my feelings on this but ultimately I do love her size.  The fact that she has been smaller longer means I can cuddle her more easily.  She fits so perfectly in my arms and makes a great "little spoon"  I have been frustrated at times because I feel daily pressure to get calories in her. I agonize over her eating pears which I know she will eat versus more of the entree at dinner because she needs the calories.  Our latest endeavors in high calorie foods have included adding cheese to her veggies, adding half and half to her milk, and even her own milkshake (vanilla ice cream, half and half and orange juice).  She will without a doubt eat veggies but of course those are not calorie laden unless you make them that way.  Her size (she's in 9 month clothes at 15 months) is ridiculously cute though!

3. She says "Mmmm" and it just makes me smile.  She "mmms" everything including water, milk (especially when it has half and half), juice, and bubbles.  Yep, bubbles straight from the bathtub.  My little Norah scoops up as many as she can while she's in the tub.

4.  She is passionate about her books.  She will bring you a book from her corner and hold it up to you.  This action is your cue to drop EVERYTHING you are doing and read to her.  Usually I comply, I don't know how many years I have to read to her and I want to soak up every minute.  Sometimes the mood strikes her to read while I am cooking dinner my inability to read at this time makes her very distraught.  We are working on that.

5.  She babbles.  She babbles with gusto! It is not uncommon for her to lean into you and say something that sounds like "dirk-a-dirka-chic-e-chica" and then crinkle her nose and laugh and laugh.  Which means I have to laugh too.  Sometimes I catch myself listening to her with eyes wide and bated breath.

6.  She belly laughs.  Boy is it good to me. Her daddy can get her to laugh like no one else.  That's pretty good to me too.  Gosh, I love them.

7. She likes to smell candles.  If I pick up a candle she want to sniff it too.  She's been at this little stunt for months now.  It's super cute.

8.  She gives surprise kisses and hugs.  She does not give out kisses willy-nilly (I kind of wish she did) but that makes it all the more special when she plants one on you.  She does it on her terms and when you least expect it.  Its the equivalent of the one you love kissing you mid sentence, not because they are shutting you up but instead because they couldn't resist.

9. She is just like me when it comes to social interaction, poor girl.  I think she must have social anxiety just like I did and just like I do.  She has to survey the situation before she decides if she feels comfortable there. I've seen her around her friends, girls that are her age that she knows and sees frequently, she will stand on the outskirts and get the lay of the land before she walks into the mix.  I have a lot of social anxiety and I feel her pain on this one.  I was one with my mom's skirt until I was 8 or 9.  I pray that she will overcome this before she knows what is going on.  However, this is about things about her that make me smile.  It does my heart good to see her warm up and actually be playing with the other kids when I go pick her up from the nursery.

10.  If I am holding her her hand will most likely be down my shirt.  This one makes me smile because I have to smile or else I'll tweak out.  Since she has been weaned she has found comfort in putting her hand deep inside my shirt and nestling her hand between my bosom.  She prefers mine but she's not picky.  She will put her hand down a number of people's shirts.  This is a sign that she is tired usually but last time she was sick I had little scratches from her shoving that sweet little hand into my cleavage.  It is terribly hard to focus in a checkout while being groped.

There are so many more reasons she is my special little love by 10 is good for now.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Reviews of the #Influenster #HolidayVoxBox

I was so happy to see that I was selected for a #HolidayVoxBox!  I tried to watch the Twitter Party to see what was coming but I guess I was looking at the wrong party because I had prepared myself for the Cosmo Box.  So even though I thought I was prepared, I was totally surprised.

I opened the box and found the Influenster card that outlined the products I received plus the price and a little blurb about the product itself.

The first product I found was the @Goody #quickstyle paddle brush. I haven't bought a new brush in years I have just gotten used to my round brush and in an effort to be cheap I've held onto it for dear life.  So, needless to say, brushes have become a whole different animal since I've "really looked."  This brush says that it will make your morning (or nighttime) wet to dry time 30% shorter.  It has regular brush bristles but also has microfiber "bristles" it's like little bits of towel that go over your hair more specifically than just  towel-drying.  I wash my hair everyday, it's oily, and without a lot of training that I don't have the patience, for it needs daily washing.  I get so very tired of washing, drying and straightening so I was curious to try this brush. I read one review that said that you should towel dry your hair first and that's exactly what I did.  I then brushed my hair starting at the tips to get the knots out.  Brush slowly to give the microfibers chance to work.  I actually noticed a difference the first day and have continued to notice a shorter drying time.  I even have noticed that my hair feels less crispy because of the decreased direct heat.  The only thing that bugs me is that the little microfiber fingers get flat when they are wet but it does not take long for them to air dry or you can blast them with the hair dryer.  I love this paddle brush!

#Influenster - NYC Liquid Lipshine

Love this!! I was actually in the market for exactly this when I got my #HolidayVoxBox from #influenster.  I was wanting something that was "nude" in color but very glossy.  Enter NYC Liquid Lipshine in Nude York City.  I am so pleased with this product, it is now what I reach for anytime I'm digging through my purse for something to put on my lips.  It is glossy but not sticky. It has a little sparkle but doesn't leave a ton of sparkles on my husbands lips.  The best part? It is under $3. It doesn't stay on your lips for super long but I don't mind reapplying periodically.  It has a pleasant scent and the applicator is flexible and thin enough to cover your whole lip, including the corners.  I would say this is a must have! The color would work with so many skin tones. 

#Influenster- Quaker Real Medleys

Quaker makes fancy oatmeal now!  They make it in 4 flavors but the flavor I received was Apple Walnut.  Had I been shopping for my own choice I probably would have picked a different flavor, but again, who can really argue with free?

Though I'm not a huge oatmeal fan this was fairly good oatmeal.  It had chunks of apple that felt like an apple when you bit it.  It also had pieces of walnut and cranberries.  It was a much fresher oatmeal experience than typical, still I'm not an oatmeal eater.  My little one tasted it and she seemed to like it better than the type you can in the pouch.  

It does seem like it would be convenient to take on the way out the door or have a stash of them at work.  But, alas, as a stay at home mom it is just as easy to mix it in a bowl and it is more affordable to buy the box of the pouches, though they are less tasty.  

Ultimately, I am well suited with less fancy oatmeal.

#Influenster - Kiss Nail Dress

How many times have I seen these in the store and wondered if they really work?  Many.  I pick them up look at them and then put them back on the shelf.  I wasn't willing to pay $6.99 without being sure they would work.  So when I saw them in my #HolidayVoxBox I was excited to try them.  Who can argue with free??

Application: These were easier than I expected to apply.  It was a little difficult to figure out which sticker fit each nail and I did guess wrong for a few nails but I just kept the ill fitting sticker on my nail.  I am completely skeeved out by nail files so I opted to clip my stickers to size using nail clippers.

Day 1: Unsure of the print (I received "Shrug" in my voxbox). Liked the ease of them though. They were sticky enough to stay but not too sticky that they stuck the fingers I used to remove them from the sheeting.

Day 2: Liking the design, it has grown on me and seems much less wild.  They were perfect for our party on New Year's Eve.

Day 3: Still loving them but the edges of my thumbs are started to look a little ragged (maybe if I filed them this would be different?).

Day 4: Thumbs, pointer edges are peeling slightly.

Day 5: More wear on edges.  Base of 2 fingers are peeling.  Removed stickers.  Removal was very easy!

I really enjoyed these but I'm not sure they are for me.  I am very funny about my nails being even and smooth and I am a nail polish "picker."  Perhaps, I will get them again for a special occasion.  Maybe for a vacation with my hubby, yunno, when I'm scrubbing fewer sippy cups and changing less diapers.

Inside my box was a little pink packet that read Eboost and says that it is a source of natural energy.  You can buy 28 of the packs for about $20.  I kind of put trying this one off.  I don't love energy drinks, I tend to feel the "crashes."  I mixed the pack in 12 ounces of water per the instructions.  I was shocked at the "12" part, kind of used to mixing with only 4 ounces with the vitamin supplements I try.  The taste of the drink was good, the sample I received was pink lemonade and it did taste like pink lemonade, at first.  The after taste I did not care for, almost like I had a mouthful of pennies.  I finished off my glass and headed out the door.  (I did kind of chug it).  I was happy to see that there was no build-up of powder at the bottom.  I noticed later that I had a little heartburn but I have acid reflux anyway.  I did not feel more energetic throughout the day but I also did not have a crash.  It was basically like I didn't drink an energy drink at all.  Perhaps that is okay but if I were paying ~$1 per serving I think I would want to feel some energy.

#Influenster - NYC Liquid Lipshine

Love this!! I was actually in the market for exactly this when I got my #HolidayVoxBox from #influenster.  I was wanting something that was "nude" in color but very glossy.  Enter NYC Liquid Lipshine in Nude York City.  I am so pleased with this product, it is now what I reach for anytime I'm digging through my purse for something to put on my lips.  It is glossy but not sticky. It has a little sparkle but doesn't leave a ton of sparkles on my husbands lips.  The best part? It is under $3. It doesn't stay on your lips for super long but I don't mind reapplying periodically.  It has a pleasant scent and the applicator is flexible and thin enough to cover your whole lip, including the corners.  I would say this is a must have! The color would work with so many skin tones.  

#Influenster- Quaker Real Medleys

Quaker makes fancy oatmeal now!  They make it in 4 flavors but the flavor I received was Apple Walnut.  Had I been shopping for my own choice I probably would have picked a different flavor, but again, who can really argue with free?

Though I'm not a huge oatmeal fan this was fairly good oatmeal.  It had chunks of apple that felt like an apple when you bit it.  It also had pieces of walnut and cranberries.  It was a much fresher oatmeal experience than typical, still I'm not an oatmeal eater.  My little one tasted it and she seemed to like it better than the type you can in the pouch.  

It does seem like it would be convenient to take on the way out the door or have a stash of them at work.  But, alas, as a stay at home mom it is just as easy to mix it in a bowl and it is more affordable to buy the box of the pouches, though they are less tasty.  

Ultimately, I am well suited with less fancy oatmeal.

#Influenster - Kiss Nail Dress

How many times have I seen these in the store and wondered if they really work?  Many.  I pick them up look at them and then put them back on the shelf.  I wasn't willing to pay $6.99 without being sure they would work.  So when I saw them in my #HolidayVoxBox I was excited to try them.  Who can argue with free??

Application: These were easier than I expected to apply.  It was a little difficult to figure out which sticker fit each nail and I did guess wrong for a few nails but I just kept the ill fitting sticker on my nail.  I am completely skeeved out by nail files so I opted to clip my stickers to size using nail clippers.

Day 1: Unsure of the print (I received "Shrug" in my voxbox). Liked the ease of them though. They were sticky enough to stay but not too sticky that they stuck the fingers I used to remove them from the sheeting.

Day 2: Liking the design, it has grown on me and seems much less wild.  They were perfect for our party on New Year's Eve.

Day 3: Still loving them but the edges of my thumbs are started to look a little ragged (maybe if I filed them this would be different?).

Day 4: Thumbs, pointer edges are peeling slightly.

Day 5: More wear on edges.  Base of 2 fingers are peeling.  Removed stickers.  Removal was very easy!

I really enjoyed these but I'm not sure they are for me.  I am very funny about my nails being even and smooth and I am a nail polish "picker."  Perhaps, I will get them again for a special occasion.  Maybe for a vacation with my hubby, yunno, when I'm scrubbing fewer sippy cups and changing less diapers.

@Influenster @Goody Hairbrush

I was so happy to see that I was selected for a #HolidayVoxBox!  I tried to watch the Twitter Party to see what was coming but I guess I was looking at the wrong party because I had prepared myself for the Cosmo Box.  So even though I thought I was prepared, I was totally surprised. 

I opened the box and found the Influenster card that outlined the products I received plus the price and a little blurb about the product itself. 

The first product I found was the @Goody #quickstyle paddle brush. I haven't bought a new brush in years I have just gotten used to my round brush and in an effort to be cheap I've held onto it for dear life.  So, needless to say, brushes have become a whole different animal since I've "really looked."  This brush says that it will make your morning (or nighttime) wet to dry time 30% shorter.  It has regular brush bristles but also has microfiber "bristles" it's like little bits of towel that go over your hair more specifically than just  towel-drying.  I wash my hair everyday, it's oily, and without a lot of training that I don't have the patience, for it needs daily washing.  I get so very tired of washing, drying and straightening so I was curious to try this brush. I read one review that said that you should towel dry your hair first and that's exactly what I did.  I then brushed my hair starting at the tips to get the knots out.  Brush slowly to give the microfibers chance to work.  I actually noticed a difference the first day and have continued to notice a shorter drying time.  I even have noticed that my hair feels less crispy because of the decreased direct heat.  The only thing that bugs me is that the little microfiber fingers get flat when they are wet but it does not take long for them to air dry or you can blast them with the hair dryer.  I love this paddle brush!

Product Reviews #Influenster #HolidayVoxBox @Eboost

I was so happy to see that I was selected for a #HolidayVoxBox!  I tried to watch the Twitter Party to see what was coming but I guess I was looking at the wrong party because I had prepared myself for the Cosmo Box.  So even though I thought I was prepared, I was totally surprised.

I opened the box and found the Influenster card that outlined the products I received plus the price and a little blurb about the product itself.

Inside my box was a little pink packet that read Eboost and says that it is a source of natural energy.  You can buy 28 of the packs for about $20.  I kind of put trying this one off.  I don't love energy drinks, I tend to feel the "crashes."  I mixed the pack in 12 ounces of water per the instructions.  I was shocked at the "12" part, kind of used to mixing with only 4 ounces with the vitamin supplements I try.  The taste of the drink was good, the sample I received was pink lemonade and it did taste like pink lemonade, at first.  The after taste I did not care for, almost like I had a mouthful of pennies.  I finished off my glass and headed out the door.  (I did kind of chug it).  I was happy to see that there was no build-up of powder at the bottom.  I noticed later that I had a little heartburn but I have acid reflux anyway.  I did not feel more energetic throughout the day but I also did not have a crash.  It was basically like I didn't drink an energy drink at all.  Perhaps that is okay but if I were paying ~$1 per serving I think I would want to feel some energy.